
Exceptional and Verified Companies 0 0

Last updated on Jan 19, 2021 03:24 AM in Business Directory


What is a Exceptional Company? Exceptional is any company that had the confidence to take on a check by KwykPix.com to verify they are a legal business and their posted information is true.

We confirm their business type, business location, and contact information, posted photos, product/service types and business license.


 What is a Verified Company? It is a business with a good reputation and few if any complaints recognized as legitimate and has passed the third party verification qualifications.

 Verified Company’s gain customer trust by passing the following Third Party Verification checklist:

·       Legal status of the company

·       Confirmed / verified information is displayed online

·       Business license

·       Certifications (NFPA, NFI, CPA, CHE, Etc.)

·       Business type   (Service, Retail, Sales, Etc.)

·       Company location

·       Ownership status

·       Contact information

·       Licensing

·       Insurance

·       Product / Product service


Exceptional & Verified Company stamp is only available for members with the Standard or Premium Plan and  your business must be registered with your local government. These stamps give shoppers a better chance to find you and trust in your company.

What is the benefit of being an Exceptional & Verified Company?

       If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is. Which is why customer trust is hard to gain in today’s online  marketplaces Get an Exceptional stamp by having KwykPix confirm your true & legitimate will gain customer  trust. Taking it the next step & get a Verified Company stamp with Third Party Verification will give customers the  confidence they need to take you on whether it’s for service or product purchase. You can reference your KwykPix.com Exceptional and/or Verified Company badge on business cards or your own website to help build your customer support.

-To find companies who passed KwykPix check and qualified for Exceptional just look for the following icon:

-To find companies who passed Third Party Verification with a high reputation look for the following icon:

Exceptional & Verified Company Denial

Companies that apply can be denied their Exceptional or Verified Company stamp depending on the following  criteria:

·       False information is found/provided

·       Multiple government actions in a one (1) year period

·       False Advertising

·       Illegal business practice

·       Misleading information

If you dispute the rejection contact rejection@kwykpix.com

How long does the process take to become a Exceptional Member or Verified Company?
Verification takes up to seven (7) business days to complete. You will receive an email notifying you of the status and the stamp will be placed on your company list and company page if you qualified.

EXCEPTIONAL & VERIFIED COMPANY stamp qualify for one (1) year from date of post and renewable at any time.

KwykPix takes no profit in Third Party Verification.

KwykPix and any Third Party inspector take no responsibility for the actions or manner in which a company conducts business. We do our best to provide customers with the best information about any company listed. But we say, use common sense and research each company before conducting business.

** The time is base on America/Chicago timezone