1. Click on the ‘Add to cart’ button of any product which you want to purchase.
  2. The products which are added to cart will be in the right side of middle header portion.
  3. From there, go to checkout page.
  4. Log in to your account using authenticated email & password or you can login through social media (facebook & google plus). If you already logged in, follow the next step. Guest Checkout is also available.
  5. In the checkout page, you can apply the coupon if it is provided to you. Then click ‘next’.
  6. Enter/Select the address where you want to deliver your products. Then click ‘next’.
  7. Choose your payment method. Then Place your order.
  8. Complete the payment using your credit card or PayPal account.
  9. System will generate an invoice for your purchase. You can print the invoice.